14.08.2011 00:00
Просмотров всего: 3116; сегодня: 2.

Sundy brunch in the RED & WHITE restaurant

Red & White restaurant begins a new season of Sunday Brunch on 18 September 2011.

Red & White restaurant offers a huge gourmet brunch featuring the usual brunch favorites like smoked salmon, marinated tiger shrimp, Milanese salami, chorizo, smoked duck breast and roast beef.

Drinks on offer include sparkling wine, vodka, wines, beer and soft drinks.

There’s also live music for the grown-ups and clowns to keep the kids entertained.

A very relaxing and joyous time with family and friends will please all the members of your party.

Every weekend brings a different theme and special seasonal offerings.

18 September – Festival of world cuisine

The first brunch of the season will satisfy even the pickiest eaters featuring a variety of buffet items from different countries: Italian parma ham rolls, Russian blinnis with red caviar, Indian chicken with curry, Asian coconut soup, French split tart with caramelized apples and chocolate mousse.

25 September – Oktoberfest brunch

In addition to the traditional variety of dishes guests will be offered Schnitzel with stewed cabbage, pork ribs, roast beef, pretzel, schpetzel, goulash soup, black forest tart and variety of beer.

2 October – Mushroom brunch

Variety of mushroom dishes, homemade fried potatoes with white mushrooms, marinated mushrooms, mushroom cream soup, strudel with mushrooms, short mushrooms with chocolate caps, will satisfy the most demanding gourmets.

9 October – Soviet style brunch

Baked piglet, Olivier salad, Russian salad with herring, jellied minced meat, fruit compote, tart with cream, soufflé, chocolate sweets will make this brunch an unforgettable occasion for all the guests.

16 October – Chocolate brunch

Varieties of chocolate desserts, real chocolate fountain are guaranteed to satisfy sweet teeth and their craving for chocolate at least for another week!

23 October – Hunters brunch

Baked wild boar with sea-buckthorn sauce, stewed rabbit with cowberries, duck stuffed with wild mushrooms, baked potatoes, berries will create a Sunday brunch buffet unlike any other brunch in the city.

30 October – Halloween brunch

Traditional dishes such as pumpkin soup, turkey, sweet potato, pumpkin pie will be on offer that day.

Decorations and table settings will help create a ghostly atmosphere.

The Sunday brunch is served from 13:00 – 18:00 and costs 2100 rubles for adults,

1050 rubles for children aged 6 to 12 years old and children under 6 years old can attend for free.

You may also buy Sunday Brunch gift certificates for your relatives, friends or colleagues.

For more information and reservations, please call 783 65 00 ext. 1241.

Address: Belorusskaya metro station, 15 Lesnaya street, Holiday Inn Moscow Lesnaya Hotel.

Ньюсмейкер: Моспромстрой Отель Менеджмент — 46 публикаций


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